Lycoming Engines

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IMPORTANT: We need Lycoming info for 4 cyl Model K and Model CE

All are PDF files.  Set up for printing on both sides.

Lycoming Model K                  Model K Used with 1920-1922                       
May 1921 Automobile Trade Journal

1920-1922 Lubrication Chart 

Lycoming Model C                Covers Model CT & C4
                                              Lycoming Series C Manual

Lycoming Model CE              Model CE used with 1923-1925 four cyl
                                                  Model CF used in Auburn 4-44 1925-1926
                                                  Auburn 4-44 Instruction Manual (Selected Pages)
Nov 16,1922 Automotive Industries
    New Lycoming model C engine 3 Page Article

Auburn page1-8
Auburn page 9-16
Auburn page 17-24
Auburn page 25-30
Auburn page 43-45

Oil Pump Replacement


Lycoming Series H                 2H Used with 1925 8A & 1926 1st Series 8A        
                                                    4H used with 1926 8B 2nd Series &1927 8B
                                                   4HM used with 1927 8B (Late) & 1927-28 90
                                                  (28 Pages in 4 Groups)  
Print Group 1
     Print Group 2      Print Group3      Print Group4

Lycoming S2 & S4               S2 used with 1925 6A & 1926 1st Series 6A
                                                S4 used with 1926 2nd Series & 1927 6B
                                              (8 pages)

Lycoming GT & GS engine      GT used with 1927 Model 80
                                                                               1928 Model 75, 80
                                                                              1929 Model 120
                                                     GS used with 1928 Model 85
                                                     GR used with 1929 Model 125  (Same CID as GS)
                                                                              1930 Model 140 
                                                                              1931 Model 148
                                                                              (8 pages)

Lycoming MD                              MD used with 1928 Model 95 (Late)
                                                   MDG used with 1929 Model 130
                                                                               1930 Model 150
                                                                               1931 Model 158
                                                                                (8 pages)